Media reports generated by our campaign
(Note: these largely left out key arguments of our campaign and failed to investigate sufficiently Longleat’s statements.)
Thousands call on Longleat to give ‘the UK’s loneliest elephant’ the chance at a dream retirement The Canary 17 Dec 2020
To pack a trunk or not? Battle over retirement plans of ‘Britain’s loneliest elephant’, saved from the circus The Independent 7 Jan 2021
Dozens of experts call on Longleat to give the ‘UK’s loneliest elephant’ her last chance for companionship The Canary 21 Jan 2021
‘UK’s loneliest elephant’ desperate for friends after circus abuse, say activists Mirror 22 Jan 2021
UK’s ‘Loneliest Elephant’ Hasn’t Seen Her Own Kind In 20 Yrs, People Sign Petition To Rehome Her India Times 10 Feb 2021
Britain’s loneliest elephant all alone for 20 years as 400k sign petition for new home Mirror 8 Feb 2021
Anne: elefantessa condannata alla solitudine non vede un simile da 20 anni Radio 105 TV Italy 12 Feb 2021
Ancien animal de cirque, cette éléphante n’a pas croisé un seul de ces congénères depuis vingt ans… demotivateur 11 Feb 2021
Maria Mossman and Dr Niall McCann discuss Anne on BBC Radio Wiltshire 11 Jan 2021
Will Britain’s loneliest elephant be getting a new home? BBC Newsround 8 Jan 2021
From late 2018 to 2021 we campaigned for the release of Anne from Longleat to sanctuary. She hasn’t seen another elephant since 2001 and lives a lonely life in inadequate conditions. Despite our three years of intense lobbying, which received the support of eminent elephant experts, Longleat refused to consider letting Anne have a better life for her remaining years, in the company of other elephants. Our campaign, and Anne’s tragic life story, highlighted the issues involved in elephant captivity and the need to bring an end to it.
Read more about Anne and our campaign:
Rebuttal to Longleat