3rd Global March for Elephants & Rhinos, London – Sep 2016

Global march for elephants and rhinos
Global march protest for elephants and rhinos
People protesting in London

On 24 September 2016 the third Global March for Elephants and Rhinos was held, with over 130 cities around the world marching that day to demand an end to poaching, an end to the ivory and rhino horn trade, and greater protection for these two species threatened with extinction. The march took place on the opening day of CoP17, the CITES conference in Johannesburg where crucial decisions were being made about elephants and rhinos, including an important resolution to ban all ivory trade worldwide.

Jane Goodall’s message to GMFER 2016

The London march saw a turnout of around 1,000 people and the attendance of speakers Nicky Campbell, Dominic Dyer, Simon Jones, Stanley Johnson, Virginia McKenna, Ruth Powys, and Ian Redmond, who gave impassioned speeches. At the end of the march we delivered a letter to Theresa May at No. 10 Downing St, again calling on the government to honour its pledge to ban ivory trade in the UK. The letter was signed by around 100 leading conservationists, NGOs, MPs, and celebrities.


Speakers at GMFER2016: Virginia McKenna, Nicky Campbell, Ruth Powys, Dominic Dyer, Simon Jones, and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.